Closing the Gap: This start-up is trying to help Indonesia’s fishermen get a fair price for their catch
Did you know?
“Indonesia is one of the world’s largest seafood producers. In 2019, the fishery sector in Indonesia contributed $27 billion to the national gross domestic product. Yet, the World Bank reported elevated levels of poverty in the small-scale fishery sector — the 2018 poverty rate in coastal villages was 1.3 times higher than in non-coastal villages.” (Source: CNBC)
Utari Octavianty, the co-founder of Vertex Ventures SEA’s portfolio Aruna was recently interviewed by CNBC. Aruna is an Indonesian farm-to-table e-commerce start-up that gives fishermen direct access to global consumers, fetching fair prices for their catch.
She shares several notable and inspiring quotes at the interview:
“But somehow that became the motivation, it’s not the education that matters. It’s how we create impact,” she said.
Read more here.
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