Puiyan Leung: Keep an Open Mind, your Assumptions will be Challenged

Puiyan LEUNG | 20 Jul 2022

“At the heart of it, I believe that team diversity is a critical success factor for any organisation – be it from the gender perspective or other dimensions.”

Speaking to DealStreetAsia in an interview recently, our partner Pui Yan LEUNG shared that having a gender diverse team not only brings much needed female perspectives to the deal evaluation process, but also adds diversity of thought, problem solving approaches, and communication means.

In fact, she believes the 50-50 gender split of the investment team at VVSEAI helps to reduce unconscious gender bias, ensuring the team evaluates each opportunity holistically.

Also emphasising the value of diversity in broader terms, Pui Yan added that aspiring venture capitalists always have something to bring to the table, regardless of his/her professional and educational background. “The great thing about venture capital is that one does not need to have a financial services background to excel in the field”. As long as one has an open mind, is keen to learn, and is humble enough to accept that their assumptions might not always be right, he/she will have a good chance of success in the field.

At Vertex Ventures SEA and India, we respect and value diverse backgrounds and profiles. Career advancements are based on merit and competency, rather than acceptance or popularity.

The article continues on Dealstreetasia.

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