Genping Liu joined Vertex Ventures in 2010. He covers Southeast Asia on industry sectors including fintech, blockchain, cryptocurrency, internet/mobile and enabling technologies.
He is passionate and knowledgeable about frontier technologies such as cryptocurrency. He was a Columnist for The Business Times’ monthly column, Crypto Watch featuring crypto investing from venture capitalist's perspective. Genping sits on the board of many of our portfolio companies such as Nium and Validus works closely with founders on the companies' strategies including fundraising, recruitment, and market penetration.
Genping has a diversified set of experience working with startups & multinational companies in various sectors including internet, electronics (batteries), telecom and investment banking. He started his career with a product manager role at Motorola Electronics Singapore.
Genping holds a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and MBA from University of California – Los Angeles.
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